3 Simple Ways to Build Energy Today
Now that we are several weeks into this pandemic and the social distancing measures, I am hearing a full spectrum of emotions from people I am connected with.
Some people are very stressed and fearful of the future.
Others say they are enjoying this pause and love the time they are spending with family at home.
Some people tell me they just feel numb and want to watch Netflix and eat all day.
Still others are seeing this as an opportune time to focus on improving their health and well-being.
It goes to show, we each are having our own unique experience during this time.
No matter where you are on this spectrum of feelings, more energy is always welcome. Many of us don’t think about building energy consciously but it IS possible to do just that.
When we think about building energy, the first thing that comes to mind is physical energy, but we can also build more mental alertness and positive emotions. Physical, mental and emotional energy are ALL important to our overall well-being.
Here I am giving you 3 ways to build energy which will help in all three of these categories.
Fuel up with REAL food. When we eat real, not processed, food our body can more quickly and efficiently turn that food into energy. Many of us have more time on our hands now but there are many people who are even busier with working from home and children to parent. Here is a recipe from my 7 Quick and Simple Suppers PDF which is easy to make and easy to adapt whether you are eating alone or have a family to feed. And it uses just one pan so clean up is super simple! Swap vegetables for others you have on hand.
Vegetables and Wild Salmon Sheet Pan Supper
4 portions wild-caught salmon (not farmed)
2 lemons, one sliced and one juiced
1 tbsp avocado oil
½ tsp. dried dill
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 turnip, peeled and cut into small chunks
8 spears asparagus, trimmed
4 rainbow carrots, peeled and sliced or left whole if small
½ small red onion, thinly sliced
Preheat oven to 425℉. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Whisk the juice of one lemon, avocado oil and spices in a large bowl.
Add vegetables to bowl and gently toss to coat.
Spread vegetables in a thin layer, making a space for each of the salmon fillets. Nestle salmon filets into the vegetables then drizzle them with the remaining dressing from bowl.
Arrange lemon slices over the top of each fillet.
Place pan in preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, check salmon for doneness. If it flakes easily with a fork and is no longer opaque then it’s done. Check other vegetables for doneness (like asparagus) Remove to plate and cover loosely. Return vegetables to oven and continue cooking an additional 5-10 minutes or until tender.
Remove pan from oven. Serve salmon and vegetables with additional lemon slices and sea salt and pepper.
2. Move Your Body. Movement is a great way to get energy flowing in your body. A walk in fresh air is great, but even very simple movements can be effective. Try this really simple movement called Rejuvenation. You can do it pretty much anywhere and it feels very child-like and freeing
3. Feel Gratitude. Gratitude is an energy-boosting emotion! When you put your mind in a state of gratitude, you can’t help but feel positive. Gratitude helps improve motivation too, making you more likely to engage in activities which will boost your energy even more. Try asking yourself this question: “What am I grateful for in this moment?” See how many things you can come up with and I am willing to bet you will feel energized!
How about it? Give these a try and see how you do. Do you have your own energy boosting action? I’d love to hear what works for you.
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