Boost Your Immune System Moment-by-Moment
Having a strong immune system is important at any time but is especially important right now as each of us is very likely to be exposed to the very sticky coronavirus.
What a lot of people DON’T realize is that the immune system can be strengthened or weakened by our THOUGHTS. Yes! Our thinking has a direct effect on our immune system response.
Read on to learn how your thoughts affect your immune system and how you can boost your immune system moment by moment.
Keep in mind, that I am an engineer, not a doctor, so my explanation may be a tad simple but, it is scientifically accurate. I have done the research and this is backed by peer-reviewed studies. Here is a meta-analysis that looked at the research of over 30 years of studies on this topic.
When we feel threatened in any way, our brain signals the central nervous system to go into a sympathetic or stress response, often called fight-or-flight. The fibres of the nervous system descend from the brain to the body in the bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. These tissues release a wide variety of substances that affect white blood cells, the front line of our immune system.
Another way the stress response affects the body is through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (often called the HPA axis). These secrete hormones which negatively direct the function of white blood cells.
In simple terminology: when we have stressful thoughts, our body moves into survival mode to fight the immediate danger, and the immune system is told to take a back seat.
That is the exact OPPOSITE of what we want!
Most of us don’t realize that our thoughts are turning down our ability to fight the coronavirus, or other pathogens we come into contact with.
What can you do to boost your immune system? Manage your thoughts on a moment by moment basis!
Start paying attention to your thoughts. Notice what you are thinking as you move through your day’s activities. Notice how you feel when you watch the news. Notice your thoughts when you are doing your work. Notice your thoughts when you are out for a walk, or talking with loved ones.
Are your thoughts calm and peaceful? If not, then your stress response is likely activated and by default, your immune system is weakened.
Of course, YOU can be in control of your thoughts. But many people have not thought about controlling their thoughts! It’s not necessarily easy but it can become easier with practice.
One way to create peaceful, calming thoughts is to focus on the present moment. Close your eyes, take three long, deep breaths and say to yourself: “In this moment, I am safe.” Or “In this moment, I am peaceful”.
“In this moment, I am safe.
In this moment, I am peaceful.
Taking the time to do this practice several times a day can help boost your immune system, one moment at a time.
Would you like more practice at relaxed breathing? Sign up here to get 5 Days of Deep Relaxed Breathing for free. I’ll send you an email with an instructional video on five different deep relaxed breathing techniques for five days to help you boost your immune system.
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