Do this ONE Thing To Help Boost Your Immune System
If you did this ONE thing every day, you will boost your immune system and quite possibly transform your life.
In my Wonderful Fine Mind-Body Wellness Membership Program for Women this month, we have been focused on the subject of rejuvenation and building more energy. We all know that energy comes from our food, but are you aware that we can use our emotions to build energy?
Maybe this isn’t a concept you’ve thought much about, but I can share with you that deliberately using your emotions to build energy works!
How can emotions give you energy, boost your immune system and transform your life?
Emotions are directly connected to our physiology. Remember an embarrassing public moment when you blushed, or a time you felt nervous and your stomach churned. Our emotions can and do have a physical effect on our bodies.
Our central nervous system is impacted by our emotions. The central nervous system can be in only one of two states: sympathetic or parasympathetic.
The sympathetic response, often called fight-or-flight, is active when we experience negative emotions like fear, grief, jealousy, or anger. In this state, our body moves into survival mode. Bodily functions not needed for immediate survival slow down or stop altogether when the sympathetic response is active.
In the parasympathetic, or rest-and-digest, response, emotions are on the positive side, like love, joy, happiness and compassion. Our body is not just trying to survive but to thrive.
What’s critical here is the operation of the immune system. The immune system becomes weakened when the sympathetic nervous system is active, and this activation is directly related to the emotions.
So, if we want a robust immune system, one thing we can do is curate our emotions, specifically, choose positive emotions.
Choosing your emotions on a moment-to-moment basis takes effort. The first step is becoming aware of what emotions you are experiencing at any moment. Ask yourself: “What am I feeling right now?”
The next step is to actively engage in creating positive thoughts and emotions if your emotions were not already positive. Recall a positive event, or a person you love, or something in the future you are excited about.
Starting off your day with powerful positive emotions can have an effect on your whole day, giving you energy and boosting your immune system. Consistently changing your emotions to positive ones can actually begin to change your personality and impact your health and your life.
Here is a great way to start your day off with more joy and excitement. Pick a morning activity that you do every day without fail, like brushing your teeth or getting dressed. Write this question on a Post-it note and display it where you do this activity:
“What can I feel excited about today?”

Come up with something … anything! If you can’t think of something external, think of something you could do for someone else, even as simple as a phone call.
Do this ONE THING every day and you’ll boost your immune system and quite possibly transform your life!
Would you like more practice at relaxed breathing? Sign up here to get 5 Days of Deep Relaxed Breathing for free. I’ll send you an email with an instructional video on five different deep relaxed breathing techniques for five days to help you boost your immune system.
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