Drink Water to Help Relieve Chronic Pain
This week Environment Canada issued a heat warning. This is a big deal on the island of Newfoundland! Temperatures of 29-30°C (84-86°F) with high humidity here come with a heat warning that my friends in warmer climates would find charming. Me? I’ve been cold for so long that I am loving the heat! It feels so good for my joints too. An interesting point was made in the Environment Canada warning, one that I don’t recall seeing before. The advisory warning included this statement:
“Drink plenty of water even before you feel thirsty.”
This is sound advice for anyone in any weather!
Many of us are going through life in a state of chronic dehydration.
Up to 60% of the human adult body by weight is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are 31% water!
Simply put, we need adequate water for our body to thrive. Here are some of the essential body functions that require water:
Production of saliva for digestion
Moisturization of mucosal membranes
Cell function and reproduction
Flushing of body waste through urine
Joint lubrication
Production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain
Body temperature regulation
Shock absorption in the brain and spinal cord
Digestion of food
Delivery of oxygen throughout the body
With all these jobs to do, it’s essential that we do OUR job of getting that water inside our bodies!
How much water do you need? The recommended guideline is to drink half your body weight in lbs as ounces. For example, a person weighing 150 lbs would need 75 ounces in one day, as a general guideline.
Do your own calculation:
- That would be about 9 ½ glasses of water based on an 8 oz glass.
- Your weight in lbs/2 = Your total oz for one day
- Your total oz for one day/8 = number of 8oz glasses of water in one day
Are you drinking enough water? One cup of tea or coffee can count toward your daily total, but the rest should be plain water. Filtered water is best.
If your water consumption is far below the recommended guidelines, then gradually build up to that amount over several days.
It’s also best to drink your water mostly between meals so that the stomach acid can do its job of breaking down food without getting overly diluted.
How to make hydration a habit:
- Measure out the total amount of water for one day and leave in a container in the refrigerator. Drink it all!
- Use elastic bands on your drinking glass or bottle. Calculate the total number of that glass or bottle needed in one day and place that many elastic bands at the top. As you finish the glass/bottle, shift one elastic down to the bottom.
- Keep a glass of water by your bedside table and drink a full glass upon awakening.
Do you have a strategy that helps you consume your water throughout the day? I’d love to hear it!
Meanwhile, enjoy the heat … and stay hydrated!
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