Genes Don't Dictate Your Health
Interest in learning more about our genetics has exploded in recent years with the relative affordability and ease of accessibility of genetic testing kits … all with a simple saliva sample. The popularity of such kits from companies like 23&Me and Ancestry creates a perception that our genetics dictate our health.
These test can provide some interesting results and data but I want to shine a light on what REALLY matters.
I hear many of my clients say “it’s in my family” when they talk of their health problems. While it is definitely true that there are predispositions to certain health conditions passed on through our genes, those health conditions are by no means a certainty.
The Human Genome Project completed in 2003 determined that less than 2% of our DNA is responsible for genetic coding of unchangeable traits. The remaining 98-99% can change over time and in response the the environment around us.
Research is exploding right now in a relatively new field of science called epigenetics. Through the study of epigenetics it is becoming increasingly clear that genes can switch on - “express” - in response to the environment. Meaning, the environment each and every cell is exposed to dictates gene expression. In effect, our genes ARE our environment. It ALL matters.
Yes, you may carry a gene which predisposes you to Alzheimer’s, but it does not guarantee that you will get Alzheimer’s. Create the type of environment which does not support that gene expression and that gene won’t, well, express.
The same can be said for obesity, or heart disease, or autoimmune disease.
What exactly is meant by ‘the environment’?
Every cell in our body contains DNA, our genetic coding. The environment in which our cells live is inside our body, and our body is exposed to what we let in from the world around us, the outer environment.
The fantastic news here is that, to a large extent, WE can control the environment to which our bodies, and our genes, are exposed. Therefore, WE can control the expression of our genes.
Great news!

Now, how do we know if our genes are expressing in a way we would like them to express? We get messages from our body.
Our body is constantly responding to the environment. When we have health issues, our body is telling us that the genes are responding negatively to the environment and it’s time to make a change. We get messages … signs and symptoms of disease states.
The environment matters. Things like:
and more
Where can you start? Look at your daily habits. You probably already know of something you can do TODAY to make a positive change. A great place to start is with the gut. What are you putting in there? Is it helping express your genes in a way you want? If not, make some changes!
We are not a victim of our genes. We just need to listen, do detective work and figure out what works best for our unique DNA.
Rather than victims, we are actually powerful creators because we can shift the expression of our genes and physical manifestation.
A great way to help your genes express positively is by choosing to create peace and calm while you are eating. HOW you eat can be as important as WHAT you eat. I have a great resource for you to implement TODAY to help your genes express more positively. Click on the image below to receive it.
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