Healing Feelings: Feeling Your Way to Freedom From Pain
Can you really feel your way out of pain?
You bet!
I won’t say that this is instantaneous pain relief - although I wouldn’t rule anything out - but it is possible to become pain free when you understand how to do it.
In order to understand how this works, I’d like to offer you this to consider: everything is energy, including you. It turns out that everything is energy.
It may seem like we are very solid, but we are actually made of compressed energy.
Quantum physics has revealed that when viewed under an electron microscope the smallest particle of matter, the atom, is actually 99.9999999999999% energy and only 0.0000000000001% matter.
Atoms combine together to form molecules and in humans those molecules form cells, and cells combine together to form tissues which form organs and organs work together to make systems. The endocrine system, the digestive system, the nervous system, the immune system, the musculoskeletal system, the reproductive system and so on.
So when it comes down to it, because you are made up of those systems, organs, cells, molecules and atoms, you are actually energy.
And it’s not just our physical bodies. Your pain is energy, your emotions are energy, your beliefs are energy, your memories are energy. These are all just energy moving in different frequencies.
This is why energy medicine works. There are many types of energy medicine like reiki, prayer, sound therapy, toning and tuning, breathwork, walking, meditation, swimming, sleeping and so on. All these are forms of energy medicine.
If you are experiencing pain or illness, this is simply a reflection your energy, how the energy is moving in your life. That’s 100% true and there are no exceptions.
You might think: “but my pain is caused by a chemical imbalance”, for example, but the reason there is a chemical imbalance is that there is an energetic imbalance first. Physical tissue follows energy and energy follows consciousness.
We know that thoughts and emotions create feelings in the body. Feelings are actually vibrations in the body and vibrations are energy.
What I am talking about here today is one way of using thoughts to change feelings to change energy within the body and this can change the tissues.
What we know from the study of epigenetics is that the cells have little antennae receivers that pick up information from the energy and send messages to inside the cell.
If the message comes in that the coast is clear, then that message gets sent. If the message comes in that there is danger, fear, sadness and so on, then that message gets sent to the cell and the cell produces chemistries that say “emergency”.. when that happens long enough and often enough, the person eventually gets illness or pain.
So your pain is actually a gift. Pain is a gift telling you that you need to send a different message. Pain is an opportunity, here as guidance.
Different feelings have different vibrations which can be measured. Fear, worry, jealousy, resentment and so on have low vibrations. The feeling that generates the highest vibration in the body is love. Other high vibration feelings are gratitude, compassion, acceptance, courage.
Let’s generate some love right now. I’ll show you how you can generate a feeling of love anytime you want, just from your thoughts. In this way you can change the vibration, the energy in your body and change how your genes express.
A great way to feel more peaceful is with heart-focused breathing - so simple, yet effective! I have a great free resource for you to implement TODAY to help you feel more relaxed and calm. It’s an MP3 audio file you can download to guide you through 3 minutes of heart focused breathing. Click on the image below to receive it.
Get started with lowering pain and inflammation with my free Release with Peace Audio Bundle