My Best Books of 2020 For Lowering Pain Naturally
I came from a big family of readers. There were bookshelves in every room of the house on all kinds of topics. My father used to say “you can learn anything from a book.” That was back before Google and Youtube of course, but I still think that nothing beats reading a book when you really want to learn something thoroughly.
“You can learn anything from a book.
Last year I decided to keep a record of the books I read throughout the year. In the beginning of the year I read some novels that had been on my reading list for years, including The Hobbit and Watership Down. I have to say that these two books took me aaaages to read. By June I had only read four books. After that I picked up speed, especially when I focused more on books about health and healing. I had a vested interest in this subject, for me and my clients.
Altogether, I read twenty-four books in 2020. I make reading part of my morning routine every day. Just 10-15 minutes every morning really adds up! I also read at bedtime, but by then I’m usually sleepy and don’t absorb as well. Mornings are magical reading times!
As always, my interest lies in lowering pain and inflammation using natural methods, and since you are reading this, I expect you are interested in this topic too. Most of my reading this year has moved from reading about anti-inflammatory diets to books about lowering pain and inflammation with meditation and other mind-body techniques. It’s not that what you eat isn’t important, but unless a person deals with emotions and what’s going on in their thoughts, healing can stall.
I know because this happened to me. At first I thought it was all about food. After all, Socrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Eating quality food and looking after my physical body was critical and where I needed to begin in healing my gut. But as I moved along my healing journey I knew I had to address my mind. What I’ve learned is that thoughts and feelings play a huge role in healing.
Want to learn this for yourself? Here are my top five books on this subject from my 2020 reading list, in alphabetical order by author.
Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever (2019) by Dave Asprey
The subject of this book is anti-aging but since inflammation is one of the factors that causes us to age, this book is relevant to lowering pain too. This book covers a variety of areas to slow the ageing process besides mind-body medicine, but it’s a great all-round read.
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits (2008) by Gregg Braden
This book exposes a growing body of scientific evidence that our perceptions may hold the secrets to healing, peace and even reality. Physics and science can show how ‘miracles’ are possible and that we are not limited by the old paradigms.
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence (2003) by Deepak Chopra
A lovely book by one of the meditation masters about connecting with the divine for love, relationships, physical and financial well-being.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One (2012) by Joe Dispenza
World renowned author, speaker, researcher and chiropractor, Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses how quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology and genetics all show that humans can create the reality they choose, including health and wellness. Fascinating read and very compelling body of work.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Unlock Your Master Key to Success (1963) by Dr. Joseph Murphy
This is an old classic that may have come from my parent’s bookshelves. A very interesting read about the seemingly magical power of the subconscious mind in creating ‘miracles’ in health, wealth, love, human relationships and removing mental blocks.
Have you read and enjoyed any of these books? Do you have others to recommend in the same subject areas? If so, please share in the comments. I’d love to hear them! And when is your favourite time of day to read?
Do you have pain and inflammation? Your thoughts about these can actually lessen or intensify your physical symptoms. Your thoughts can have a big impact on how you feel. I have a great free resource for you to implement TODAY to help you change your thoughts and lessen the intensity of your pain. Click on the image below to receive it.
Get started with lowering pain and inflammation with my free Release with Peace Audio Bundle