Tap Into Your Pain-Free Body Blueprint

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In my 30 years working as an engineer, I learned the power of blueprints.  Blueprints are how the designer conveys the plan to the builder. The design team applies all their experience, expertise and the best knowledge of the day to come up with the best outcome for the project. 

Imagine trying to build a building without having a blueprint? Without the blueprint, without the clarity of what was intended, any old thing could be built. And chances are that structure wouldn’t hold up well over time. 

Blueprints provide clarity. 

Like any project, we each have a unique body blueprint. When we build our lives around that blueprint, our body functions optimally.  We feel good, we can have FUN in life!


Our bodies are ALWAYS building! All of our cells are in a constant state of regeneration and renewal. 

But sometimes we go through life without following our blueprint and the instructions get muddled.  If we do that often enough or long enough, our body will reflect that. 

How do we know if we are off?

Our body is always talking to us, sending us messages. What do those messages look like? They can come in many forms. Illness of any kind is a sign that your blueprint is off. Pain and inflammation also indicate that your body is not functioning according to its ideal blueprint. 

Signs of inflammation:

  • Digestive stress: acid reflux, heartburn, burping, gas, bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, irregular bowel movements, undigested particles in the stool

  • Respiration: allergies, asthma, congestion, chronic coughing, congestion, chronic throat clearing

  • Skin: acne, rashes, rosacea, eczema

  • Joint and muscles: pain, inflammation, tendonitis, muscle spasms and cramps

  • Brain health: brain fog, depression, anxiety, dizziness, frequent headaches, mood swings, ADD/ADHD

  • Hormones: imbalances, irregular periods, PMS, hot flashes, night sweats

  • Other problems: fatigue, insomnia, low white cell blood count, weight gain or the inability to lose weight, infertility, thyroid imbalance

Inflammation or pain mean that you are off your blueprint. 

So maybe as you looked through those symptoms above, you said “well, I’ve got some of these.  What do I do about it?”

You need to get in touch with your blueprint, my friend!  How do figure out your own unique blueprint? Through experimentation and paying attention. 


I’m going to break this experiment into three areas for you: body, mind and spirit. 


The body is aways sending signals. Pain and inflammation are two ways we receive signals. Experiment with making changes in how much water you drink and the food you eat and other forms of nutrition, like vitamins and supplements. 

Experiment with other lifestyle changes like sleep, movement, stress reduction practices, and relationships.

Keep a food and lifestyle journal.  I’ve developed a Food, Mood, Poop and Pain Journal that many of my clients use to monitor how they are responding to lifestyle changes.


Start becoming aware of your thoughts, like you are an observer.  Ask yourself “What and I thinking right now?”

You might want to keep a journal of your thoughts.  Are you thinking about the past or worrying about the future? Are you speaking kindly to yourself?  Are you judgemental of yourself or others? 

If your thoughts are mostly negative or you spend a lot of time ruminating over the past, or worrying about the future or things beyond your control, try to consciously replace those thoughts. One quick way to do that is to focus on what you are grateful for right now. 


Feelings are how we connect to our spirit, our wiser self, our intuition. Notice how you are feeling throughout the day. Can you put a name on the emotion? Where do you feel it in your body? If you feel tightness, try breathing into where you feel the tightness to let it relax.

If you are trying to make a decision about something, close your eyes and tune into your body. When you think about deciding one way, notice if you feel expansion or constriction, lightness or heaviness, leaning toward or leaning away.  

We each have a unique blueprint and when we follow it, we can have a pain-free body. Use these tools to help you tune in to your personal blueprint to build your pain-free body from the inside out. 

A great way to help improve your health is choosing to create peace and calm while you are eating.  HOW you eat can be as important as WHAT you eat.  I have a great resource for you to implement TODAY to help you become empowered in your health.  Click on the image below to receive it. 


Get started with lowering pain and inflammation with my free Release with Peace Audio Bundle

Get your audio bundle here!


  1. This blog may contain affiliate links. Click here to read what this means.

  2. All information in this post is based on my personal experiences. Please discuss any changes to your diet, lifestyle or medications with your healthcare team. No information in this article is meant to replace medical advice. Please read my Terms and Conditions.