The Healing Equation: An Extraordinarily Simple Equation to Make Healing Happen
Have you heard of Hal Elrod? He is a pretty amazing person who regained full mobility after a car accident rendered him unable to walk again. Years later, he healed from a rare form of cancer that doctors told him had only a 10-30% survival rate. In 2012, Hal published a book called The Miracle Morning. This morning ritual is now practiced by over one million people worldwide. I’ve been practicing his miracle morning habits and can attest to the power behind them.
Hal Elrod published another book called The Miracle Equation: The Two Decisions to Move Your Goals from Possible, to Probable, to Inevitable. I heard Hal interviewed on a podcast and was impressed by the simplicity of his “miracle equation.”
The words “miracle” and “equation” are not two words one would normally expect to be combined in one sentence. Being an engineer, I love equations: logic and balance sits well in a left-thinking brain. In contrast, the word ”miracle” belongs in the right brain: can’t explain it, only feel it, create it.
Hal brings them both together in beautiful harmony in his Miracle Equation. The equation is:
Miracle = Develop Unwavering Faith + Maintain Extraordinary Effort
Isn’t that beautiful in its simplicity? Developing faith in an outcome comes first, and that is the easy part. Maintaining extraordinary effort until the outcome is achieved is harder, especially when setbacks occur.
This miracle equation can be applied to anything in life, any goal you are trying to achieve. Hal provided examples of how he used this to help heal his body and also how to achieve top sales in his job as a salesman.
As I was listening to Hal talk about the Miracle Equation, I realized that without actually calling it that, I had been applying his formula to my health challenge with rheumatoid arthritis. Let’s call it the Healing Equation. I would write it like this:

The first part is mindset, which I have focused on in other blog articles. The second part, the harder part, is to keep up the extraordinary effort in food and lifestyle choices until results are seen. Both parts are necessary for healing to happen. Apply both parts, and healing is possible, probable, and inevitable.
I don’t know if this will work for everyone, but I know it has worked for me. Maybe the reason healing doesn’t work for everyone is that both parts of the equation aren’t applied completely until results are achieved.
The first part of the equation is in the mind, the belief that healing can happen. If this part is missing, the equation doesn’t add up. We don’t know yet the full power of the mind, but I am willing to keep working on this healing equation. It’s been working for me!
Why not give it a try in your own life? To help with the first part of the equation, mindset, I have developed 10 Thought Swaps to help heal. I developed these for rheumatoid arthritis, but they can be applied to just about anyone. Click here to receive a free copy.

Comment below if you are familiar with Hal Elrod’s work. Have you already applied it in your life? What has worked for you?
Need help in applying the healing equation in your life? I’d love to talk with you about it.
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