The Most Effective Anti-aging Strategy
What’s the number one cause of aging? Inflammation!
Some genius even coined the term “Inflammaging” - brilliant!
Yes! Inflammation will age you faster than anything going. Inflammation is also the condition that begins every chronic illness.
So, if you want to age with grace (or even age backwards!) or if you have an illness or general inflammation, preventing or reversing inflammation should be your top priority.
We all age, of course, but some of us age faster than others. Why is that? Some may think it’s in our genes, but the newest research says that less than 2% of our genes are responsible for permanent coding. The rest of our genes - 98%- are constantly responding to the environment and then “expressing” or not “expressing; “up-regulating” or “down-regulating.”
The genes, constantly responding to the environment, are affecting our biology at the cellular level. Most of us aren’t really giving much thought to each little cell in our body, each containing our DNA, but when it comes down to it, our cells are the building blocks of US.
All 37.2 trillion of them.
And about 1 billion are dying off and getting replaced each day.
(We are truly amazing!)
When the cells aren’t functioning properly, some cells may die off too soon. Others may not die off when they should. Cells also may not operate efficiently in producing energy (all our energy comes from cells) or eliminating waste properly. Groups of cells (organs and tissues) also don’t communicate well with each other.
The result: Inflammation.
So inflammation is directly related to the environment our cells are exposed to - the environment WE are exposed to. By ‘environment’ I mean the air we breathe, the food we eat, what our skin touches, unseen frequencies (like EMFs), thoughts we think and the emotions we feel.
Many of these are within our control. Some people may find this empowering. Other people may be uncomfortable, or not want to believe it because if it is true that we can control our environment, then we are responsible for it. Some people simply don’t want to take responsibility.
But, I am assuming that if you are reading this then you are someone who DOES want to take responsibility and you do want to do something about inflammation. Either you want to look and feel younger, or you want to deal with a chronic health issue.
There are so many things we can do to lower inflammation, but since one of the biggest contributors to inflammation is stress, starting there makes sense.
What’s the easiest first step to lowering stress? Breathing, my friend!
But not just ordinary breathing! In fact, many people have dysfunctional breathing. Chest breathing, shallow breathing and rapid breathing are common dysfunctional breathing patterns.
Since we all have to breathe anyway, why not learn how to do it in a way that can help lower stress and calm inflammation?
Our breath. Yes, we all do it anyway and it is a great way to create calm and lower inflammation.
Breathe slowly and deeply into the belly. You only need to do it for three minutes 2-3 times per day to have amazing benefits.
Join Jane Hogan Health to receive more simple tools to help you intentionally design wellness.
Learn how to breathe to reduce stress and calm inflammation in my 5 day FREE Deep relaxed Breathing Masterclass starting September 30th, 2020
Each day on the Jane Hogan Health Facebook page you’ll get a short video lesson, you’ll practice the breathing for that day, plus you’ll get a Deep Relaxed Breathing Guidebook to download so that you can deepen your learning and identify your breathing break throughs!
Learn more and sign up here: janehoganhealth.com/deeprelaxedbreathing
A great way to help improve your health is choosing to create peace and calm while you are eating. HOW you eat can be as important as WHAT you eat. I have a great resource for you to implement TODAY to help you become empowered in your health. Click on the image below to receive it.
Get started with lowering pain and inflammation with my free Release with Peace Audio Bundle