Top Four Natural Healing Strategies
I was recently featured in an online magazine called Rebuilding My Health. This organization is dedicated to collecting stories of people who have healed chronic illnesses naturally to inspire hope in others. You can read the full article here: Jane Halted Her Rheumatoid Arthritis By Healing Her Gut
Sharing success stories of natural and integrative health is such a beautiful mission. From my personal experience, I know that reading stories of other people who had reversed their joint pain naturally gave me the belief that I could do it too. Having a belief in success is critical to ACHIEVING success! If you would like to read more stories of people who have healed naturally from Alzheimers, MS, cancer, Parkinson’s and many more visit rebuildingmyhealth.com and get truly inspired!
“ Having a belief in success is critical to ACHIEVING success
The work of this organization is so inspiring that I decided to interview the founder and CEO on my Wellness By Design show. You can watch the full interview here: The Remarkable Commonalities Across Hundreds of Healing Stories. What is incredible is that there were four natural healing strategies that she saw CONSISTENTLY in the hundreds of people she interviewed.
This rang true for me because I used these four healing strategies myself AND these are strategies I use with my clients now as well. Let’s cover them in a bit more detail, shall we?
The Top Four Natural Healing Strategies
1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Changing what they ate was critical in all the healing success stories. People switched to an anti-inflammatory diet. What was interesting though is that there is no ONE anti-inflammatory diet. Some people had success going vegan, others carnivore and just about everything in between! People found something that was right for THEM. For some people chasing the diet was enough, others had to investigate to find their own unique food triggers.
2. Detoxify
We are exposed to many chemicals around us, on us and in us - many more than any generation before us. Consistently, the people interviewed took action to reduce the toxins they were exposed to like chemicals and heavy metals, some more than others. It is possible to get tested for specific chemical exposure and get targeted treatment, but there are also things people can do on their own to reduce chemical exposure and detoxify with home remedies.
3. Heal the Gut
Since most chronic illness begin with inflammation and most inflammation begins in the gut, it makes perfect sense that healing the gut was a a top healing strategy. I see this over and over again in my practice too. Heal the gut and the symptoms of illness subside. There are a multitude of things that can cause problems in the gut and most of them lead to gut dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut bacteria which then leads to leaky gut, triggering inflammation.
4. Deal With Negative Emotions
Most people found that there was one last thing they needed to do to finally heal and that was to address underlying negative emotions. This could be from chronic stress, past emotional trauma or negative emotions. Most people used some form of mind-body practice including breathing, yoga, meditation, journaling and various forms of therapy.
Are these top four natural healing strategies a surprise? Based on my own experience and that with so many of my clients, I am not surprised at all. These were all critical and necessary for me in reversing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and really any type of chronic inflammation.
Another interesting thing was that every person who had a successful healing story had MADE A DECISION to beat their illness and beat it no matter what. Giving up was not an option. I love this concept of combining unwavering faith and not giving up. Read more about it in my article The Healing Equation: An Extraordinarily Simple Equation to Make Healing Happen.
Thank you to Rebuidling My Health for making it easier for people to have unwavering faith that they can believe they can heal from a chronic illness naturally!
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